02 May 2021 by Angela Warm
Welcome to Warm Wellness! If you’re new here, you might want to download “Healthy Spring Recipes”, easy recipes for incorporating more seasonal vegetables into your diet click here to download it for free!
So what exactly is a Blog carnival? Earlier this year I participated in my first one as a guest blogger over at Me My Health and I on the topic of sleep. You can check out my guest blog on peri menopause and sleep here. Basically a blog carnival is an online event between bloggers, and the topic of “Food as Fuel for Happiness” is the theme for May. I am super excited to invite any and all health bloggers to participate.
Why this theme?
- Most know that food has a major impact on our wellbeing, and this is much deeper than just ‘you are what you eat’.
- There are many different ways to feel and eat healthier.
- I have explored this theme with my clients for years, and found that food has a direct impact on not just our physical health but our mental health as well.
- I cannot wait to see what my fellow coaches and bloggers come up with on this subject!
If you want to see prior articles on food as fuel for happiness, check out my article Are you Seasonally Challenged?
Carnival Rules
Who can participate?
Anyone can participate! You just need to have a blog or a website to publish your article and to follow the basic rules below. If you do not have a website but really wish to participate, I can host your article on my blog as a guest article. Email me at angela@warmwellness.com.
When is the deadline?
Your article must be published on your platform, and your email sent to me before 11:59pm CET time on Sunday 23 May 2021.
How to participate?
- Write a relevant blog post around the subject of Food as Fuel for Happiness
- Your article must contain at least 500 words.
- Your article must be written in English.
- You must publish your article on a blog or website that you own or where you have authorization to write.
- Your article must be brand new content; you cannot re-use old content.
- Your article cannot contain affiliate links.
- Your article must include certain mentions – please see the section below entitled “What to include in your article”.
- Once your article has been published, please send an email to angela@warmwelness.com to let me know it is live and include the link towards your article.
- Once approved, I will send you an email to confirm that your article will be included in the carnival.
Closing article
On Sunday 30 May 2021, I will publish a closing article on Warm Wellness that will include a list of all the articles that have been accepted in the carnival and appropriate links towards the articles.
I will promote this article with my followers on social media and the people subscribed to my mailing list. I would also encourage you to do the same with your followers.
The articles will be listed by order of arrival in my inbox .
To include in your article
Please include a sentence or two explaining that your article is part of a blog carnival together with a link towards Warm Wellness. Your link can be towards any of my articles or social media links.
“This article is part of the “Food as Fuel for Happiness” Blog carnival organised by Warm Wellness. Check out some of the great articles such as this one about Curbing Sugar Cravings.”
Let’s get writing!
You have until 11:59pm CET time on Sunday 23 May 2021 to publish your article and send me your email.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email or social media and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Enjoy! I can’t wait to read your take on “Food as Fuel for Happiness” and how we can help our readers!
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